David Kearney - The Parent-Coach-Athlete Triad: Take Responsibility
The parent - coach - child/athlete relationship is a triad that must function well to ensure performance evolution, personal growth and psychological safety. It requires each party to take responsibility for their own behaviours, whilst bearing in mind that the student may be of an age where they are reliant on the adults for leadership.
In this Boost, we look at David’s life as a coach, a player and a parent. We look at what binds them all together. Often, the blame game is placed as the conversation to the front and centre of a child’s lack of progress. First and foremost, that “progress” is an imaginary position. Everyone runs a different race, at a different pace. Not every progression is linear.
Join David and explore ideas that may help you shape your thinking as a parent, a coach or even as a young athlete. Take responsibility early.
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