Eve Lewis Prieto (Headspace) - Mindfulness: Your Pause Between A Reaction Vs A Response

Join Eve Lewis Prieto, Director of Teaching at Headsapce for a guided mindfulness exercise, as she looks at ways meditation and mindfulness can help take us from reactivity to response, providing a pause for those high stress moments. 

Have you ever said something in the heat of the moment and then regretted it, or been away on holiday and spent the entire time worrying about work, essentially missing out on a much needed break? If your head is nodding, you’re not alone. Life is busy, hectic and often stressful. When we’re stressed the part of our brain associated with rational thought, critical thinking and planning essentially goes offline and the fight or flight part of the brain is activated. This is why in the heat of the moment we may say or do things that we later regret. Research shows that a regular meditation and mindfulness practice can help to regulate emotions and increase our capacity to manage stress in a more skillful way when it arises. 

Join Eve and take a pause.

Want More? Find Eve and Headspace here:

Instagram - @meditatewitheve

Twitter - @Headspace

Instagram - @Headspace



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